Anthem User's Guide Introduction     <- Click on me. Welcome to Anthem. Anthem is a full-featured program that combines notation, sequencing and library functions to help you work efficiently to create music with your Macintosh computer. Anthem is easy to learn and use. If you're already familiar with the Macintosh then you've probably learned many of the basic techniques necessary to create, modify and record music using Anthem. If you're running under System 7.0 or better then help balloons will provide instant access to explanations of procedures available in almost every dialog and window. The Anthem User's Guide is designed to pilot you through the basic features of Anthem and introduce you to the advanced features that make Anthem the most powerful integrated music compositional software available on the Macintosh. This documentation assumes that you have a basic familiarity with the operational features and interface characteristics of your Macintosh. You should already have some skill in using the mouse, manipulating windows, pulling down menus, scrolling, selecting commands, and responding to dialog boxes before beginning work with Anthem. The Macintosh Owner's Guide and Macintosh System Software User's Guide are good sources of basic information if you need help before beginning work with Anthem. See the Table of Contents to go quickly to each chapter and section. Below is a brief description of each chapter: Software License - this chapter describes your license to use this software. Please read it thoroughly. Before You Start - describes system software required to run Anthem and discusses what is needed to setup OMS or the MIDI Manager. Unregistered Startup - how to use the options available when using an unregistered copy of Anthem. How to Register Anthem - gives the pricing for single user, site and worldwide license and gives instructions on how to pay for Anthem. Quick Start - gives basic instructions on how to use Anthem, starting with answers to most-asked questions. Read this if you don't plan to read the manual. Getting Started - how to start using Anthem. Overview - describes the capabilites of Anthem Step Recording - instructions on how to record selected intervals. Realtime Recording - how to record directly into a score or sequence Creating and Using Patch Librarians - useful under either OMS or the MIDI Manager. If you are using OMS you can build Patch Librarians that work with any OMS software. Creating and Using Instruments - use this when you want to create and use files that store information about how to route MIDI information. Drawing Controller Curves - describes how to draw controller curves. Creating System Exclusive Events in a Score - describes how to embed SysEx data in your sequences. Note Tool Palette - a schematic that explains tools in the Note Palette. Record Palette - a schematic that explains tools in the Record Palette. Track Palette - a schematic that explains tools in the Track Palette. The Anthem Menus File Menu Edit Menu Text Menu Score Menu Opus Menu Library Menu Special Menu Troubleshooting - in case of trouble